Planning Routes and Canicrossing Safely on the Trails (Ep.18)


One of the great things about Canicrosss or Canitrekking is that you can run absolutely anywhere with your dog. Through trails, farmland and finding new places together and enjoying the countryside - you are also safe in the knowledge that you are attached to your dog, so you won’t loose each other. It’s one of the great joys of the sport and seeing areas that you would have missed if you had just been driving by.

There is nothing quite like just discovering a new route, but how do you go about planning which way to go? Especially if you are going on your own, you will probably want the reassurance that you are not going to get lost. Also what should you take with you, especially if it is going to be a long day.

There are a number of Apps around that can help you plan out a totally new area, so drawing on our own experience and researching with our DogFit Trainers and customers, we thought we would talk about what is available and what you might want to consider before you set off with your dog.

We joined today by Lara Trewin, our DogFit Trainer in Bude who also enjoys those fabulous coastal trails, which come with their considerations too. Lara plans and recce's her routes prior to her DogFit classes and has made good use of the some of the Apps new are going to talk about.

Join us on Strava: Canicross Runners.

Tracking and Route Planning Apps in this podcast

What Three Words
GB Outdoors

For help with canicross kit, advice and classes please visit our website


Listen to full episode :


Food For Thought at Xmas (Ep.19)


Nutrition and your active Canicross dog (Ep.17)